Tretinoin Cream to fight acne, hyperpigmentation, and early signs of aging
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Tretinoin Cream (Tretinoin)

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Tretinoin Cream

Tretinoin Cream is intended for skin problems like acne, comedones, hyperpigmentation, and others. The cream helps reduce the signs of skin aging, including small wrinkles. Due to its thick consistency, Tretinoin cream 0.05 penetrates the skin deeply and intensifies the activity of its cells. This effect positively affects the health of the skin.

Moreover, Tretinoin cream uses differs from regular beauty products. The cream is used exclusively to solve specific problems on doctor's advice because it is a medical product. Improper use may lead to adverse reactions.


Tretinoin Cream 0.025%/20g

Produit Dosage Quantité + Bonus Prix Commander
Tretinoin Cream 0.025%/20g 1 tube 29.41€ 28.01€ AJOUTER AU PANIER
Tretinoin Cream 0.025%/20g 2 tubes 48.36€ 46.06€ AJOUTER AU PANIER
Tretinoin Cream 0.025%/20g 3 tubes 53.61€ 51.06€ AJOUTER AU PANIER
Tretinoin Cream 0.025%/20g 4 tubes 67.24€ 64.04€ AJOUTER AU PANIER
Tretinoin Cream 0.025%/20g 5 tubes 79.01€ 75.25€ AJOUTER AU PANIER
Tretinoin Cream 0.025%/20g 7 tubes 102.97€ 98.07€ AJOUTER AU PANIER
Tretinoin Cream 0.025%/20g 9 tubes 123.13€ 117.27€ AJOUTER AU PANIER
Tretinoin Cream 0.025%/20g 10 tubes 126.51€ 120.49€ AJOUTER AU PANIER

Tretinoin Cream 0.05%/20g

Produit Dosage Quantité + Bonus Prix Commander
Tretinoin Cream 0.05%/20g 1 tube 31.51€ 30.01€ AJOUTER AU PANIER
Tretinoin Cream 0.05%/20g 2 tubes 50.46€ 48.06€ AJOUTER AU PANIER
Tretinoin Cream 0.05%/20g 3 tubes 56.83€ 54.12€ AJOUTER AU PANIER
Tretinoin Cream 0.05%/20g 4 tubes 71.48€ 68.08€ AJOUTER AU PANIER
Tretinoin Cream 0.05%/20g 5 tubes 84.05€ 80.05€ AJOUTER AU PANIER
Tretinoin Cream 0.05%/20g 7 tubes 110.40€ 105.14€ AJOUTER AU PANIER
Tretinoin Cream 0.05%/20g 9 tubes 132.87€ 126.54€ AJOUTER AU PANIER
Tretinoin Cream 0.05%/20g 10 tubes 137.03€ 130.50€ AJOUTER AU PANIER

Drug Info

  • Brand Names: Retin-A Cream, Tretiheal Cream;
  • Active Ingredient: Tretinoin;
  • Manufacturer: Bausch Health Companies Inc, Healing Pharma.

Tretinoin Cream and its active substance Tretinoin

The active ingredient of Tretinoin Cream is Tretinoin - a vitamin A derivative. It is a first-generation retinoid originally developed for acne treatment. Tretinoin is also effective in combating photoaging. It penetrates the skin and interacts with specific cellular receptors, affecting DNA synthesis.

As a result, skin regeneration is accelerated; thus, pigmentation transfers to the top layer and is removed as the renewal process occurs. Tretinoin also reduces the production of sebum, decreasing inflammation and preventing the appearance of acne. The cream should be used regularly for several weeks to maximize the treatment's effect.

Indications for use

The cream is indicated for external application on the skin and is used for the following conditions:

  • Acne and comedones;
  • Hyperpigmentation.

Besides, Tretinoin Cream allows dealing with signs of aging, such as fine wrinkles and roughness of the skin.

Treatment regimens and dosages

The dosage and treatment regimen with Tretinoin Cream depends on the severity of your state. A doctor can recommend an individual plan of treatment to get the best results.

Usually, it is advised to apply a small amount of the cream to the affected area pointwise once a day, preferably before going to sleep. If your doctor prescribes another treatment regimen, follow it strictly.

Recommendations for use

To improve the results of Tretinoin Cream, follow the tips listed below:

  • Wash hands with soap;
  • Before applying the product, thoroughly clean the skin;
  • Do not apply the cream on top of skincare products.

Depending on the problem, the treatment duration may vary. A lasting result of acne treatment may be seen in two to three weeks of use. Hyperpigmentation usually takes three or four to six months.

Avoid contact of the cream with mucous membranes, including eyes, nose, mouth, etc. Also, do not apply Tretinoin Cream on skin areas with sunburn.

Missed Dose

If you didn’t apply the product in time, do it as soon as you remember. If you use the cream several times a day and the following application is soon, wait for it and apply the product according to the treatment scheme. Don’t increase the quantity of the product to catch up because it may lead to irritation.


Although Tretinoin Cream is applied to the skin and is not intended for oral administration, it may cause some adverse reactions. Please inform your doctor about all diseases you have. Take particular care in the following cases:

  • If your skin has high sensitivity;
  • If you had an allergy to Tretinoin or any other drugs or cosmetic products;
  • If you are allergic to fish;
  • If you had manifestations of eczema;
  • If you suffer from actinic keratosis (peeling of the skin);
  • If you have skin cancer.

Tretinoin Cream can increase the sensitivity of the skin to UV rays. Use sunscreen and avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight during the treatment.

It is recommended to avoid any manipulations that can injure the skin, including depilation, peelings, etc. Do not apply Tretinoin Cream right after the influence of products containing salicylic acid, serum, or resorcinol on your skin.

Use of Tretinoin Cream during pregnancy

There is no evidence that using the drug during pregnancy may cause potential harm to the fetus. However, the reaction depends on your individual characteristics. Before using Tretinoin Cream, inform your doctor about your pregnancy or plans for pregnancy to avoid possible side effects.

Also, there have been no trials to study the effect of the drug on breast milk and the dangers of using it while breastfeeding. Inform your doctor before the start of the treatment if you are breastfeeding.

Possible side effects

Since Tretinoin Cream is applied to the skin, most side effects manifest as skin symptoms. Adverse reactions are rare and short-term, but in some cases, they can cause significant discomfort. The most common side effects are the following:

  • A warm sensation and slight prickling in the area of application;
  • A change in skin color;
  • Redness;
  • Peeling;
  • Increased acne;
  • Blisters or crusts on the skin;
  • Dry skin.

Sometimes, side effects may be more severe:

  • Urticaria;
  • Pain and discomfort in the area of application.

The following side effects in the form of severe allergic reactions to the drug are infrequent:

  • Swelling of the throat, tongue, and face;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • Dizziness.

If you experience severe adverse reactions, contact the nearest emergency department immediately.

The list of side effects is not complete. Other adverse reactions may occur when using Tretinoin Cream. If you experience the intensification of side effects or worsening of your well-being, contact your doctor.

Tretinoin Cream: interaction with other drugs

The medication can interact with other drugs for external application. Moreover, administration of some oral drugs can cause side effects when using Tretinoin Cream, including the following:

  • Tetracyclines;
  • Antihistamines;
  • Diuretics, etc.

It is an incomplete list of possible drug interactions. Tell your doctor about all the drugs you take. Read the instructions to the drug or contact your pharmacist to learn more about drug interactions.


Store Tretinoin Cream at temperatures below 25 °C in a place protected from light. Keep out of reach of children and pets. The drug can not be stored in the refrigerator. Do not use this product if it has expired or is damaged.

The best offer for Tretinoin Cream online on the market

Our pharmacy offers Tretinoin Cream at the best price compared to our competitors. We guarantee the effectiveness and safety of a drug and compliance with EU standards. We work throughout Europe and will ship your order from the nearest warehouse to your door. Moreover, we ensure 100% privacy - every order is shipped in non-transparent packaging. Using our services, you get the following benefits:

  • Delivery within a few days;
  • 24/7 Customer Support;
  • User-friendly system of payment orders (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or bank transfer).

By buying in our pharmacy, you can save time and start the treatment as soon as possible. You can contact our experts, who will answer all your questions if you need help.

How to buy Tretinoin Cream online

You can buy Tretinoin cream online on our website. We’ve developed a simple and convenient order form for our clients. It will take a few minutes to place an order; fill in the appropriate fields to complete it:

  • Name of the drug;
  • Dosing;
  • Quantity;
  • Shipping address.

We will prepare your order as soon as possible and ship it to the indicated address. If you have any issues while placing an order, contact our customer service representatives, who are available 24/7 and are ready to assist. Buy now to get your order in a few days.


Tretinoin Cream Testimonials

277 internautes sur 351 ont trouvé ce commentaire utile
Par Noémie Richard
Cette crème fonctionne vraiment pour l'acné. Mais il faut de la patience pour l'utiliser. J'ai eu des rougeurs et des pelages au milieu de mon traitement. Et ma peau avait l'air terrible avant de paraître saine. Maintenant, après 5 mois, je suis enfin heureuse avec les résultats. Mon conseil est de l'utiliser uniquement avant de se coucher et d'appliquer un nettoyant léger ou de l'eau simple le matin. Parlez à votre médecin du meilleur hydratant pour votre peau. Vous en aurez besoin.
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370 internautes sur 440 ont trouvé ce commentaire utile
Par Jade Blanchard
J'avais de l'acné kystique qui apparaissait principalement autour de mon menton et occasionnellement sur mon front. J'ai consulté plusieurs médecins et essayé de nombreux traitements. Mais rien n'a aidé comme Tretnoin. Ce médicament mérite les plus grands éloges. Il m'a fait me sentir et paraître bien.
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336 internautes sur 473 ont trouvé ce commentaire utile
Par Lemoine
Ma peau a cessé d'être pure à l'âge de 18 ans. Seules les pilules contraceptives aidaient un peu contre l'acné, et seulement pendant un moment. J'ai essayé de nombreuses crèmes et pommades. Mais l'acné revenait toujours. La trétinoïne s'est avérée être le meilleur remède que j'ai utilisé pour traiter l'acné. Après six semaines, la peau est devenue beaucoup plus claire, et même les cicatrices semblaient s'estomper. Je recommande vivement cette crème. Elle fonctionne.
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404 internautes sur 493 ont trouvé ce commentaire utile
Par Océane Petit
Tretiheal 20g 0,025% m'a été très bénéfique. Il a fallu deux mois pour remarquer des avantages. Le teint de la peau s'est amélioré en premier, suivi de moins de poussées et de boutons plus petits. Après 4 mois, je ne pouvais pas reconnaître mon reflet dans le miroir – plus de bosses et ma peau !! C'est juste un miracle.
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172 internautes sur 200 ont trouvé ce commentaire utile
Par Inès Renaud
Les premières taches de pigmentation sur mon visage sont apparues après ma grossesse. Ensuite, je les ai juste vues grandir. Je me sentais impuissante, aucune crème ne m'aidait. J'ai réalisé que j'avais besoin d'un avis professionnel et je suis allée chez le médecin qui m'a prescrit Tretiheal 20g 0,05%. Je l'utilise tous les deux soirs depuis trois mois maintenant. Je vois déjà les premiers résultats. Il y a un peu de desquamation, ce qui est normal. Et la peau qui reste a l'air fantastique. J'espère me débarrasser de toutes les taches à la fin.
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